Trump's Presidential campaign beseeches CNN to apologize for recent votes

The Presidential campaign of Donald Trump asks for an apology from CNN about their recent polling results, which were showing Joe Biden, the assumed Democratic Presidential candidate, leading the way against him. The request from the Current President’s campaign came in the shape of cease and desist letter to CNN’s President Jeff Zucker, which were containing different misleading and improper claims that were instantly rejected by the Media organization.

Matt Dornic, a spokesman from CNN, states that their polling results are absolute, and they wouldn’t take them down. CNN polls were conducted and released on Monday that revealed Donald Trump 14 points behind the ex-VP i.e., 55 percent to 41 percent, among qualified voters. Plus, it indicates a 38 percent approval rating for Trump, which is the poorest one since Jan 2019 and roughly on par with one-time American President George Washington Bush’s approval rate at the same stage in their reelection years, and 55 percent disapproval rating.

In a letter, the President’s campaign discussed with Zucker that CNN is misleading the United States’ eligible voters via biased voting. Trump campaign’s senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis and Chief operating officer Michael Glassner passed the letter. It says that they are playing a deceptive stunt here in order to sway the voters and presenting a fake view of the US citizens and are hiding the genuine support.
The recent legal demand by the President shows that CNN should withdraw the result of their latest polls and share that noticeable, fair, and comprehensive withdrawal to the public; plus, they should apologize for this and present the proper clarification by their side to correct their wrongs. David Vigilante, the executive VP and general counsel of CNN said, the allegations and demands by the campaign are totally useless, and they deny every aspect of it from the entirety.


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