SFL: season's revival confimed, COMCO dismisses FC Sion

An appeal from FC Sion’s Christian Constantine was denied by the COMCO (Competition Commission). The super league would restart according to the plan.

The opposition of COMCO (Competition Commission) by FC Sion wasn’t much fruitful. The decision about restarting the league would occur as planned, legally.

On Thursday, COMCO released a statement clearly reflecting that the decision by the Swiss Football League does not contradict cartel law. Plus, Competition Commission wouldn’t take any action against the request by FC Sion to stop the resumption of SFL, and they also wouldn’t open an investigation against them.

Competition Commission even thinks that the continuation of the league would be beneficial for the competition, that would happen under equal conditions. However, about contracts, the fact that SFL recognized disturbance and that they are taking measures for this as well (as an attempt of following the FIFA recommendations, that allows clubs to include such players who had to leave the job under these conditions), thus pleads for the season to begin again.

In the end, in the press conference, COMCO states that canceling the league would have a bad thing for a country, as well as for the economy.

On 3 June, FC Sion had banned the COMCO Wednesday and requested a seizure of the league’s resumption and taking legal action against SFL for potential abuse of their power. However, on 29 May, the General Assembly supported the decision and authorized the league to restart with 17 votes out of 20. You can get the biography detail about Nicolas Moumi Ngamaleu from Young Boys

The Swiss Football League would be now continuing again on 19 June 2020, where the Valais club would play its first match on 20 June against St. Gallen.

Of course, there are a lot of things to see here, the coronavirus situation is getting may be slower in the country, but it is still there, so people are worried about restarting the league.   


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